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Who decides what your kids learn?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiH2ipjtVxw
Tubin vindicated? LOLhttps://freebeacon.com/media/journalism-self-care/
The bubble I told you was gonna’ happen.https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/us-home-prices-gain-197percent-in-another-record-for-hot-market/ar-AAOUEes
Vax mandate could cost 700K!https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/09/28/bidens-vax-mandate-to-be-enforced-by-fining-companies-70000-to-700000/?sh=73b820a31c0d
Budget buster–https://nypost.com/2021/09/27/democrats-plans-will-blow-up-us-budget-for-generations/
Message from “Eric The Liberal” sent to me-I listened to your segment with Tracy Beanz who is a QAnon supporter and a nut case.
Her duplicate ballot/votes statement was a lie or misleading.
He 250000 fraudulent votes/corrupted files. Is either false/misleading or meaningless.
Her “somebody erased the files story” also shown to be false by the Republican head of elections, yet they haven’t corrected their statements and continue to spread falsehoods. (referenced in PBS video clip I sent you earlier).
The fact that the Republican AZ statehouse appointed a Trump supporter to conduct this ‘audit’ if the first place should make any fair-minded person suspicious of their ‘findings’.
I guess the most maddening part of this is that we have dozens of witnesses and audio recordings of the fact that Trump was trying his best to steal the election.
I haven’t been listening to your show for about 10 months and when I turned your show back on you are still selling these insane conspiracies.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are just doing it for ratings or to appease you Trump-cult listeners.
I need more info. For the politifact 17000 duplicates story, is there a record of 17000 contacts made with voters to verify and cure those ballots?
The USA today story, I don’t see anything in it that makes me change my mind.
I watched the hearing chaired by Senator Fann. The only way to clear this up to the satisfaction of everyone is for the county to release the routers, explain why there was an internet connection to the machines. Explain why 9000 more mail in ballots were counted than were sent out. Explain why 7000 (I think that was the number) voters were able to vote 2, 3, or 4 times. Throw some sunshine on this. What in the world are you afraid might become known?
A word for Mike. You seem to think it is of utmost importance that there is a global conspiracy of some form. Sadly, this is not true.
Whether there is a conspiracy or it is entirely uncoordinated, does not matter when the results are the same.
But, you are looking for “for we wrestle not with flesh and blood but powers and principalities.”